Iʻm not even sure how I found you but the internet? you know. I loved this piece with a new heart for you, your unidentified (to us) sadness resonates my secret whothefuckdoyouthinkyouare sadness - and so - thanks for telling the truth. Or around it. And I respect it! You get to be brilliant without dishing. But then you really sold me teaching us how to show up for pain and not fix, not fix, not fix. Impossible but youʻre saying itʻs not, thank god for that. And Iʻm glad I found you Jen you magical creature!

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Love you too Jen! So much. Thank you for sharing all the feels. And for keeping it real and relatable. (I have some of my own dental issues going on right now). You got this!

I'm still sad over losing my best friend in 2016 and just last year finding out why my marriage has been lacking some of the most important things that I needed. Wait, I'm still processing the first loss. To me, sadness and grief are like cousins who get together for the holidays and raise all kinds of Hell.

Kintsugi! So effing beautiful! I love that!

Speaking of Italy, I'm so excited about going to one of your in person retreats! Is it too early to buy my plane ticket? Am I running behind? Where's the best place to stay in Florence? Is anyone else going a bit early to see the city? Is this too many questions? I need help. I've never done this before.

Thanks for everything Jen. I got you! Ciao!

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‘I am always safe and divinely protected’ is a very helpful affirmation for me. Once, it seemingly turned a lightning storm in the other direction as I looked for shelter, while repeating the affirmation. I love your honesty, Jen. x

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EMDR would work to rid you of your dental fear and anxiety and fear and divorce and and and! I’m 70, a retired therapist. I did EMDR about 16 sessions and it’s like I’m a totally new person.

Anyway, love you. Love your art. Love everything. I got you, weirdo. Oh and love all photos of you, Henry and Charlie Mel. Tell your mom hello I met her at an Ojai retreat years ago. ❤️

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Dear Jen, you are golden and beautiful beyond words. You show us how to show up with love, compassion and humbleness in the dark and light. Love you and I know you have amazing support in your community both near and far. Your book will be amazing and will touch many lives. With love ❤️

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Omg I am - on top of having broken my foot 2/24-in the dental thing and I’m just terrified. Fucking fear. It wakes me up at night. It gives me symptoms even, makes my teeth hurt. I’m so afraid I may have to undergo an extraction and implant. The emergency root canal I had was bad enough. The assistant turned the gas in and an hour later I came out of gloating and they hadn’t even started working on my tooth. I was in the chair 4 brutal hours. A saga. I cannot go back to that dentist because he gaslit me about a simple thing and do I don’t trust him or feel safe now. I found a new dentist and picked up my already paid for crown for HER to seat but I have to pay her to do it on top of already paying him. I can never go back there. And she’s new but she had my exact name and I think that means YES trust yourself. And she felt trustworthy to me, down to earth. She’s young and she explained everything to me no gaslighting. I could write pages and pages about my for and my teeth but I just wanted to say thank you for making space for me fear here. I’m shaking in my shoes. I wake up at night. I hate it. But I have to do it. I will take an anti anxiety medicine to get this crown done on Tuesday 4/30 pray for me ok?

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I choked up with tears reading this because I relate to so much you wrote about - especially about the teeth! I feel like I've been talking so much to people about my tooth implant woes - the anxiety, the problems, the money - oh the money! Last week I finally got my crown after over a year from losing that tooth and it felt weird and wobbly and clicky and I told my dentist and she said she needed to order a new screwdriver. Meanwhile I was afraid to eat or chew on it and had irrational fears that the crown was going to fall off in my sleep and choke me to death! She finally did tighten it the crown STILL feels weird to me! That's just the tip of my implant and other teeth issues but reading this made me feel less alone and I could see everything you shared happening to me! Anyway, I am trying to work out my dental expenses but as soon as I am able, I will subscribe to this! After you offering this and the recent Allow for free, it's the least I can do. Thank you! ❤️

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You got this, Jen. You’re stronger than you realize. And yeah, happy to be an ear but seems like you have that part well covered. Sometimes I wonder who I should call, and then I have a long chat with myself or write, because I don’t know that anyone wants to hear it, but writing is great like that - readers can take it or leave it! Long hug to you.

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I'm looking forward to reading Proof of Life. I think I have a soup recipe of my own and so know the taste. I have always known the taste of sadness; it tastes like loss. Be well. You are smart to write it all out. Hemingway said we write, not to remember, but to rid ourselves of stuff.? (something like that...) Lately, negative stuff has reared its ugliness big time. I get what your saying and I thank you for sharing.

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Doctors that start with K and and overnight Angel friend that starts with K? K is awesome. Love, Kieran

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You’re a treasure Jen ❤️ I’m writing about my break up and trying to figure out how to do that without including things that are not-mine. It’s tricky. Because everything is mine, but also, only half of it is, and on a need to know basis at that. Anyway, I’ve been reading your work for many years, and continue to love whatever you choose to write.

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