I’m a fish out of water. Raised in the Midwest and spent adulthood on the West Coast. Recently, through a strange turn of events, I have moved to Palm Beach. It’s a difficult place to find community and I’m finding out how important having a community has been for me.

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Hello oh hello. I fell down and broke my brain just as my memoir was coming out, and wasn't able to read for a year or so and then I could read but it felt like being seasick and now, four years on, sometimes reading doesn't make me seasick but if I read oh more than a paragraph or two it does. All to say I read your thing as much as I can, and then a little more, seasick or not, and thank you. I don't know if I'll ever ever again be a writer, but I'm learning to paint, because apparently the brain bonk made me feel colors in my mouth, and ain't that a kick?

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Omg I fucking love you. What’s your memoir called?

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It's called Wiving: A Memoir of Loving Then Leaving the Patriarchy.

And I love you back!

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Oh Jen. What a way to start the morning. Thank you. Now you all can have my morning rambles. Yesterday I took my son to his dad’s which always lands me in a weird and dark place even though there’s nothing I need more than a break from being a full on single mom for the last 6 weeks. We had the best morning before I dropped him off and I wondered why all the mornings can’t be like that. The poignancy of knowing you’re losing someone, even temporarily, sharpens everything and makes the moments precious and sweet.

I woke up this morning thinking I’d wait to get out of bed until he came in, hungry and wanting a cuddle, just like he did yesterday, but then I remembered he’s not here. And he won’t be for 10 more days. I have still not managed to move beyond sadness that comes from having broken up my family to create something new. You are right, Jen, with a map of our lives in our hands we would be paralysed.

I watched Eric from start to finish yesterday (I told you, things get dark when I drop off my son), and it was so, so beautiful and sad, and oh my god the things that we carry with us from childhood into the world. To parent a child is its own kind of revolution.

Love you.

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I wish I were a painter or a writer.

Someone creative who conveys what is seen and felt but not captured with a click.

The beauty of the light and the blessing of fresh air.

How it’s healing to walk each day the same way. Marveling as my mind plays words from a tv past: “Like sands through the hour glass - so are the days of our lives.” The levels of trueness expands past where I want to go - I don’ t want to an intellectual exercise I’m wanting the experience.

Seeing what is a comforting sameness while embracing the new: the fallen limbs, the little bunnies scurrying under cover, mown grass and weeds.

How its just a little cool no not cold. Now the light’s at that perfect place between now and darkness there’s just a little glow.

I wish I was a painter, a writer someone who could take you there.

- [ ]

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Jen since we met 4 years ago I’ve been here!! I’m an artist and shaman still trying to figure shit out!! I am open to finding my path in this new chapter and being in your orbit always gives me inspiration for humaneness and our ability to stay true to our gifts even when the world seems to be off kilter. That when we stand in our true we are stronger and connect with the other weirdos .. who actually aren’t weird but the most bad ass, creative and authentic human beings on the planet. So grateful you have this space for your community to connect and open always to anyone who wanders into your door ..

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I am here this is me … a weird thing about me is that I feel both filled up by “stuff “ in my house at the same I hate it all

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Of course I spill food all over myself all the time. I got braces at 36 thinking that my open bite is the problem. Now that my bite is closing... So I was at my friend two days ago and she insisted we order Chinese that I eat lunch as well even though I wasn't hungry. Easier to say yes and so ordered six little pork filled something. I took a bite and the only reason the escaping huge amount of juice from the inside did not hit my friend straight in her face was because she was standing at 80 degrees, not 60 from me. So I squirted a huge amount of juice to the side and the rest of the bite fell into my lap. Whenever I put on fresh trousers I'm so happy they are spotless I look so presentable like a real human adult faulting in this world and then I spill something on them 20 minutes later. Usually a juicy bite with something orange in it. All this to say I love your work Jen and love reading your stuff. Love from Budapest, Hungary.

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Jen, your journey of grief, healing, struggle, joy, rinse, repeat, you allow so many to grow with you. Thank you for the constant invitation to sit in my own energy, no matter how uncomfortable it can be. I am here, I am from places and going others, but I am here <3

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Thank you my love. Your writing never fails to help me reconnect with my self when I need to the most (and when I don't!). And with you and this magical community, both of which I am so very grateful to have discovered.

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